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Welcome to the community and awareness.

Dare to live your life to the fullest. Create a deep and meaningful connection with your inner self and feel good together with us. 
We are an awareness community that exists for you and your well-being.


Höstens kurser startar!

Klicka på knappen nedan för att se vad som finns tillgängligt!

Cafékvällarna startar onsdagen den 11/9! 
Varmt välkomna!

For you as an entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur and lack an office with presence, authenticity and meaningful contacts? Then you've come to the right place my friend!

Our office has room for 6-8 people who want to achieve exactly the same as you - but all in their own ways!

Find back to the breath with Inner Nature

Book classes based on what suits you

Our courses, retreats and treatments naturally differ from each other because all of us who work here are different and unique, just like you.

Try new challenges and styles

Within our awareness community, we have several different types of challenges, dare to try something new - we welcome you.

As an entrepreneur, you become part of the health family

Join us and co-create with us. You get a platform to offer your course activities and we support and learn from each other.

Pay conveniently

 We accept Swish.

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